Sequin Ohio Patch Crop Top (3)

The next project I am sharing with all you great people of the interwebs is very simple. Most of my projects will probably involve minimal materials because I only have access to what is in my dorm or what I can borrow from friends so I don’t have many sewing supplies. I created this shirt because I needed something cute to wear on game day. A lot of people complimented me on it and were all very surprised and impressed when I said I made it. I actually spent like an hour of the morning of game day finishing putting it together because it wasn’t ready.

So I started out with just this relatively plain crop top that had a patch that said “what’s up” on the little breast pocket (…….??). I knew that would need to be covered up if I was going to wear it in public and I realized my Ohio pride could do just the trick.

When I went to Goodwill to find some fun clothes to alter, I picked up a sequined tank top. I sized a silhouette of Ohio in word and printed it out, then cut it out. I pinned the paper to the sequined shirt and cut around the paper to make a sequined Ohio.

I positioned it on the shirt to cover up the “what’s up?” patch on the little pocket and pinned it down.

Finally, I used gray thread and hand sewed the sequined Ohio patch onto the pocket. I think I used a blanket stitch… I’m not really sure what it’s called, but the thing is on there so it worked. I was sure to not sew the pocket shut so it could be a little Ohio pocket. People were pretty impressed by the fact that its actually a pocket.

That’s all for this post! My next post will be up next week and I am excited to share it!

As always, if you have any suggestions, tips, comments, or questions, feel free to send ‘em my way! You can comment on this post or email me at

If you aren’t already, follow my Instagram (@scarlet.rdesigns) to stay updated on my newest alteration adventures!

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