Get to know me...(1)

Hello everyone! My name is Scarlet Rose and I am currently attending The Ohio State University, pursuing a major in Business administration with a specialization in marketing. One of my hobbies is sewing and I have recently become interested in altering clothes that I find at a discount to make them into cute clothes for myself. Since I have started altering and making clothes, I have realized that it is something I really, really enjoy. Because of this, I have decided to create this blog as a kind of journal of all my altering projects. I am self-taught and I usually rely on my own ingenuity to create the things I do.
The way I go about sewing and creating may not be conventional so if you have suggestions for an easier way to do something, I’d love to hear it and learn from it! If you have any comments or questions, I’d love to hear ‘em so send ‘em my way! Please be respectful to me as well as other users, no hate will be tolerated.

Please share my blog with your sewing friends or anybody that might be interested in some super cute DIY clothes!

Go follow my Instagram account to see when I update my blog with a new project!: Scarlet.rdesigns

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