Script Ohio Crop Top(5)

I really like the look of pearls so this might be one of my favorite designs on a shirt. This post is a little (very) delayed because of finals and then I got busy making a t-shirt quilt. I probably should have made this post before now though.. anyways...

So I started with a red dress that was wayy too short to be a dress but also too long to be a shirt...

I wanted to make it a crop top like my other outfits so I just chopped off the bottom of it and I figured I could use that fabric for something later.

For the script Ohio, I printed out a design to the right size and pinned a dry makeup wipe (please excuse the mascara on the wipe, were recycling here) over the paper with the design on it.

Then, I glued white craft pearls on a string (I got them from here on Amazon) along the design on the paper and taped it down to let it dry. I didn't, but I would suggest gently take out the pins and let the pearls dry without touching the paper so the paper doesn't stick to the paper when it drys.

When it dried, I took the tape off and cut along the pearls. I left 4 little tabs so I could pin the rest of it to the shirt to sew on.

To sew it on, I put the needle in right next to the string on top (the needle is right by my thumb in the picture, you have to look closely) and then brought it back up on the other side of the pearl.

I did that all the way along the pearls and then used a small pair of scissors to trim as much of the makeup wipe away as I could. Since I couldn't sew the dot for the "i" on, I used fabric glue to attach it. Here is the finished product before I put the dot on.

Here is the finished product! I'm hoping to get some nicer winter stuff up soon! If you have any suggestions for outfits you want to see me make, comment on a post or on my Instagram!
